Everything you want to know about UM0-200 exam?

Q. What is the UM0-200 exam?
A. UM0-200 is the intermediate exam of OMG-OCUP certification.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the UM0-200 exam?
A. There is only one prerequisite for this test, it is recommended that planning to take UM0-200 a candidate should have passed the OMG-OCUP-100.

Q. What are the benefits to becoming an UM0-200?
A. OMG’s OCUP Program is an objective measure of your knowledge of UML 2.X and tells the rest of the IT community that you have serious credentials. The OCUP Certification will benefit you by giving you an important credential to present to employers and clients. It also benefits companies looking for skilled UML practitioners like you, by giving them a basis for making hiring and promotion decisions. The professionals have the knowledge and skills to acquire this certification. The OCUP Program was developed and is run as a joint program of OMG and the UML Technology Institute (UTI).

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