Begin your learning with 3 easy steps

At uCertify, we provide you a rich library of 400+ titles that includes courses, simulators, live-lab, video-tutorials, test-preps, assessments, and much more. uCertify is the developer of uCertify LEARN, a highly interactive, cloud-based and device-enabled, teaching and learning management platform for online, anywhere, anytime, competency based learning. The uCertify platform is equally effective for self-paced, instructor-led or blended learning. Follow the 3 simple steps to achieve your career goals, with us:

1. Find the best-suited courses, prepare, and earn the certification: Explore our rich library, select the best-suited courses and then start the preparation for the certification exam.uCertify brings all available learning resources for a topic in one place so that the learner can efficiently learn without going to multiple places. Challenge questions are embedded in the chapters so learners can attempt those while they are learning about that particular topic. This helps them grasp the concepts better because they can go over it again right away which improves learning. Learners can do Flashcards, Exercises, Quizzes and Labs related to each chapter. At the end of every lesson, uCertify courses guide the learners on the path they should follow. All these provide an effective understanding of the subject and getting a better learning outcome which helps in passing the certification exam.

2. Let us know a little about yourself: Do complete your profile on our page which will help us in knowing your preferred time zones, your language. We would be able to customize the start and end date of your preparation and your course recommendations.

3. Download uCertify App: Connect with us to make your learning easy.


You can go through our courses, attempt exercises, quizzes, flashcards, and much more anytime and anywhere.

Gear up and prepare for your certification exams with uCertify!

uCertify upgaraded Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) course

uCertify has updated 75 exam based questions in Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) course which provides you with better testing of the subject and will help you to gain hands-on expertise in CompTIA CS0-001 certification exam. The course covers all the objectives of a CS0-001 exam and includes topics such as assessing information security risk, analyzing the threat landscape, analyzing attacks on computing and networking environment, analyzing post-attack techniques and much more.

CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) certification exam is an international, vendor-neutral credential designed for IT security analysts, vulnerability analysts, or threat intelligence analysts to configure and use threat detection tools; perform data analysis; and interpret the results to identify vulnerabilities, threats, and risks to an organization with the end goal of securing and protecting applications and systems within an organization.

So, be prepared to start your prep with uCertify’s updated Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) course.


Importance of Assessment in E-Learning

In the area of education, assessment refers to various ways or tools educators use for the measurement of the students’ achievement of the learning outcomes. The motive of assessments is to strengthen learning and also to assess the course. Through the process of assessment, the students, as well as instructors, gain the relevant information needed to adjust learning and teaching and improve themselves which helps them in gaining a better understanding of the subject matter.

Assessments in any training can be used by the students as a method to evaluate the information that has been exposed to and improve themselves. It gives them a chance to think hard about the correct answer. With its help, the student can gain expertise in the subject and explain the correct answers. The assessments ensure that the learner is able to grasp the content and getting its full benefit. The assessment helps students know immediately what they did wrong and also the topics they need to focus on and improve. The instructor is also able to analyze and thus it is less time-consuming.

Thus, indeed assessment helps in the better evaluation of the subject matter and improve in less time. But the learners also need to take the feedbacks positively so that they improve the areas of their weaknesses and get the effective learning outcome.


Benefits of Digital Learning In Today’s World

Digital learning is the method of learning with the help of technology or platform that makes effective use of technology. The area of learning is going to watch a rise in the use of digital elements because the mindset of the users is inclined towards it as digital learning includes more content and is interactive and easy to explore.

Digital learning technologies help users get the grip of the contents more quickly and entirely. They connect themselves to the content and also gain hands-on experience in the subject matter. It is both users as well as instructor friendly, time-saving and creates prospects beyond the limits of our imagination.

With digital learning, the students learn more efficiently as they get rapid feedback regarding their skills and knowledge on the subject matter. This also helps instructors because they can easily analyze where the candidate is lagging behind. Apart from this, assessment, simulations, practice labs, videos, test-prep and so on provide an affluent learning platform which helps in the fuller understanding of concepts. Glossary and online supports are additional benefits for better learning outcome.

Digital learning helps to learn with mastery. The user can set the speed to learn from a section before moving to another. Active engagement with instructors, discussions, easy to review materials, all these provides the best way of learning.

Digital learning has indeed proven its value along the learning dimensions. We can very well see the new possibilities in front of us. But still, other prospects are there which are beyond our imagination. So, start with the digital learning now, get its benefit and explore more probabilities!


uCertify CODiE Award 2017 Finalist in 10 Categories

We are honored to be part of a select group of CODiE 2017 finalists:

uCertify – uCertify LEARN

  1. Best Higher Education Learning Content Solution
  2. Best Corporate / Workforce Learning Solution
  3. Best Coding & Computational Thinking Solution
  4. Best College & Career Readiness Solution
  5. Best Higher Education LMS or Learning Platform
  6. Best Student Assessment Solution
  7. Best Education Cloud-Based Solution
  8. Best Educational App for a Mobile Device

uCertify/Pearson – uCertify LEARN with Pearson

  1. Best Instructional Solution in Other Curriculum Areas

uCertify/WGU – uCertify LEARN with WGU

  1. Best Learning Relationship Management Solution

Since 1986, the CODiE Awards have recognized excellence by honoring the software and information industry’s leading products and services. Currently, SIIA members are voting and results will be announced on July 26, 2017.