
Everything you want to know about M-OUTLOOK2002 exam?

Q. What are the prerequisites for the outlook2002 exam? A. Although there are no prerequisites for the exam outlook2002 – MOS – Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2002, Microsoft recommends that the candidates should have the equivalent of six months to one year of hands-on experience on Microsoft Office Outlook 2002 and might have experience with […]

Everything you want to know
November 4, 2010
2 min
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Everything you want to know about M-OUTLOOK2002 exam?

Q. What are the prerequisites for the outlook2002 exam?
A. Although there are no prerequisites for the exam outlook2002 – MOS – Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2002, Microsoft recommends that the candidates should have the equivalent of six months to one year of hands-on experience on Microsoft Office Outlook 2002 and might have experience with previous versions of Microsoft Office Outlook.

Q. What certificate does it provide?
A. Passing the exam outlook2002 provides the following certification:

Microsoft Office Specialist: Microsoft Office Outlook 2002

Q. How many questions are asked in the test?
A. This exam has 21-24 questions involving 49-56 tasks. The number of questions depends on the exam form you are administered.

Q. What is the duration of the test?
A. All Microsoft Office Specialist exams for Office XP range in time from 45 to 50 minutes.

Q. Which type of the test is it? (Adaptive/Linear)
A. It is a linear type of test.

Q. What is the passing score?
A. One to three points are possible per question, depending on the number of specified tasks. At the conclusion of an exam your final score is derived by converting the task score to a 1000-point scale.

Q. What is the test retake policy?
A. Candidates may retake the same exam one time without restriction. However, candidates who wish to retake the exam a second or subsequent time must wait a minimum of seven days before retaking the exam. Candidates participating in exam beta-testing may take each beta exam only once.

Q. Where to take the test?
A. Microsoft Business Certification exams are administered by Certiport iQcenters, which are Microsoft-authorized exam testing centers that are located throughout the world.

Q. What is the exam fee?
A. The exam fee of the outlook2002 is US$50.
